


Oil Rig Json Fixes

KAfable opened this issue ยท 3 comments

  1. Remove the meta from the inspirations pipe, it has directional meta based on how you place it, eg, you are forced to build the structure downwards to get the meta of 1.


Building it upwards results in a different meta:

1a) You can also remove the NBT tag as well, its not necessary, but its just good practice because if

  1. Allow for any color steel frame rather than the gray one. Aside from expanding stylistic choices, the default steel frame color is dark grey with a meta of 7, only meta 8 is specified, so players will have to use light grey dye to dye their frames.

  2. Allow flexible slots for the energy input and fluid output so players can build the rig at different orientations. Yes this does give the player for 'making a mistake' if they build an oil rig with 2 fluid output hatches, but they are playing a gregtech pack and should already know anyways that multiblocks need energy input hatches.


I updated the json to also remove the colored GT frames and allow and steel frames now:

Technically the oil rig is uncraftable as of 1.05 since silver dye is not accessible.

