Wireless Crafting Terminal works on the moon when I believe it shouldn't (yet)
beef682 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
(Happy bug)
I went to the moon and used my wireless crafting terminal out of habit, it works, I can open it, see my base inventory, pull/insert items, text chat will say wireless out of range.
My Setup: Terminal is in Head bauble slot, and set custom key-bind to access.
1 wireless access point in centre of base with 14 booster cards in it. I have yet to craft the infinite booster card.
Other: Running Omnifactory dev-abfab61 and I added RFtools for the environmental controller so I dont have to eat ๐
Strange, will have to see if we can reproduce this problem. At its face it seems like a possible bug in WCT though which we might not be able to do anything about.
also tested in the End, worked there too, but today it no longer works off world. turned PC off and launched new client.
I also had this bug once. I took full advantage of it right away (Moon), since I didn't have an infinity card. :)
It started for me, I think, when I had the GUI of a vanilla anvil open to rename something. The anvil broke and the GUI wouldn't close, so I could happily keep renaming things until I closed the GUI itself.
After restarting the world, however, everything was fixed again.
It never shows up again.
Edit: Or I didn't rename anything, but added airtight seal enchantment to my armor.