LV Mixer quest mentions Tricalcium Phosphate Dust while Phosphor Dust is required according to the description
olleman42 opened this issue · 4 comments
Pack Version:
The LV Mixer quest outlines that Glowstone Dust is made using Tricalcium Phosphate Dust and Gold Dust, while the in-game recipe shows that Phospor Dust toghether with Gold Dust is the actual recipe.
Expected Behavior:
The text should read "Phospor Dust together with Gold Dust".
Steps To Reproduce:
Quest Book -> Quests -> The Beginning -> LV Mixer and read description
Lovely, thanks! Closing the issue then :)
It looks like another quest further down the chain is also affected by this (Phosphorus and Sulfur - Tricalcium Phosphate does not appear to be available in LV which is where the quest is found 🤷)
The explanation for this is available here:
This is a valid issue, just one we happened to know about and were working on addressing. We can track the issue properly with your ticket and close it when the problem is fixed in Omni.
Fixed by #809 (item names were inadvertently swapped in GTCE, latest version fixes that problem)