


Dimensional Transreceiver Channel Deletion

manavdub opened this issue ยท 2 comments


At the current moment, i moving stuff from the overworld to void world so im powering my system with dimensional transceiver. Every time i log back on to my single player world, the Energy section specifically deletes the channel connecting the power from my old base to the new base.

Note: if you need general tech support for things like server configuration, Discord is a better venue. Please open an issue only if there is a clear bug with the pack or if you have been asked to by one of the Discord staff.

Pack Version:
Replace this text with the version number of the pack, or the commit hash (the letters and numbers between "dev-" and "-snapshot" in the zip you downloaded) if you are doing development testing. If you added any additional mods, or changed any configurations from their defaults, please also note that information here.

Replace this text with a clear and concise description of what the bug is, so we know what the problem is.

Expected Behavior:
Replace this text with a clear and concise description of what the correct behavior would be.

Steps To Reproduce:
Replace this text with steps to reproduce the behavior, if applicable. We need to know how to encounter this bug ourselves to we can diagnose it.

Crash Log:
If your client crashed as a result of this bug, please upload the generated crash log. This is found in your launcher's Omnifactory profile (aka instance) in a folder called crash-reports. If there was no crash, but instead an error screen, please upload your latest.log instead.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


I have not experienced this problem before.

In the future, please use the bug issue template for new issues as we need detailed enough information to at least reproduce a problem reliably. I have pasted in the template below your original message; please edit your message to fill it out as best you can and we'll hopefully have enough information to proceed.


Closing as invalid due to inability to reproduce issue and no subsequent information provided after request.