Draconic information tablet does not open
mnsnownutt opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Note: if you need general tech support for things like server configuration, Discord is a better venue. Please open an issue only if there is a clear bug with the pack or if you have been asked to by one of the Discord staff.
Pack Version:
Release version
Get an error when opening the information tablet
Expected Behavior:
Information table would open
The way Project Intelligence works is it contacts a server to download the documentation for the mods that use it the first time you open it. My assumption based on the error message you're seeing is that you're either playing without internet access or were otherwise unable to connect to that server.
I found this, so not sure if it is related.
Yep. Installing VanillaFix fixed the issue.
I have internet access, so I guess I am not sure what it is.
Actually, I cannot seem to get any of the Project intelligence to work. Ender I/O machines I get a similar error.