


A few Quest Book issues

Exaxxion opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  • Calcium Endgame quest incorrectly requires an MV electrolyzer when an LV one is sufficient.
  • MV Cutting Machine, Precision Laser Engraver, and Extruder quests incorrectly become unlocked on the Early Game tab if the player has only made Steel and an LV Polarizer. These quests should also depend on MV Machine Hulls to circumvent the issue.
  • Yttrium Barium Cuprate requires Tungstensteel Coils to make, but does not currently have that quest as a dependency.
  • Dark Soularium Jetplate quest is NBT-sensitive, and will thus not count a charged item towards completion. Since this item is distinguished from other types of Jetpacks with metadata, it should be possible to ignore NBT.
  • The Tier Two Micro Miner quest does not currently depend on the Advanced Crafting Table quest, but requires one for crafting the Miner.
  • Exquisite Gems quest cannot be completed without a T3 Micro Miner but does not depend on the T3 Micro Miner quest.
  • The Nuclear Fuel Infrastructure quest incorrectly states that you will get tiny clumps of U235 from processing U238 in the Thermal Centrifuge (this was disabled to fix a duping exploit)
  • The Grains of Infinity quest improperly depends on Basic Capacitor. It should instead depend on the Steel quest (needed for a flint and steel to light bedrock on fire).
  • The following quests are missing direct dependencies on the Grains of Infinity quest:
    • Numismatic Dynamo (gears)
    • Crafting Units (crafter)
    • Farming Station (chassis, gears)
    • The Vat (chassis)
    • Experience Obelisk (chassis)
    • Slice & Splice (chassis, gears)
    • Soul Binder (chassis)
    • Lunar Mining Station (Stellar Alloy blocks)
    • Hardened Jetpack (via Magmatic Dynamo -> Gears)
    • Farmer (gears)