


Platinum endgame quest lets you use Palladium

BradDev20 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Pack Version:

The End Game quest for Platinum(for omnium) lets you use Palladium instead of Platinum for the quest.

Expected Behavior:
Only platinum can be used to complete the quest.

Steps To Reproduce:
While having no platinum ingots in your inventory, pick up at least a stack of palladium. If your Platinum quest is not complete, then it will become complete.
It's worth noting that the palladium quest works fine.

Crash Log:


Hmm, I'm unable to reproduce this. I think it could be because the platinum end game quest(656) has the midgame Palladium quest(169) as a prerequisite, which is probably a bug itself.


Are you sure it's not just that you've completed the platinum quest's task (holding a stack of platinum) but it didn't become unlocked until you cleared the palladium quest by holding a stack of palladium?

I could see it perhaps seeming as though the palladium triggered the platinum quest completion in that circumstance, whereas it's actually the palladium quest completing, then the platinum quest unlocking, BQ seeing it's already done, then announcing that one complete as well.


Probably, yeah.
I think the platinum endgame quest having Palladium as a prequisite is probably also a bug though.
The main early/mid game way of getting platinum is byproducts of processing Nickel ore, right?


While this issue itself is invalid, the dependency problem brought up in the last comment will be fixed in #810.