


Add Creative-only items and the Simulation Supercomputer to the Endgame quests

BradDev20 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Currently, the endgame shows only making Tank, Infinity Ingots, Infinity Armor, DE Creative Source, and Vending. However, there are plenty of creative-only items that are required for Vending, such as the Creative Mill, Solar Panel of Infinity, and Sword of the Cosmos. The Simulation Supercomputer, which makes getting the hundreds of thousands of Dragon Lair Data required for Vending much easier, does not even show up anywhere in the quest book. I think having it in the quest book, as well as the other Creative-only items, would be a good tracker to see how far the user is to completing the pack as well as encourage the use of the Supercomputer.


We added a quest for the Simulation Supercomputer at the same time as we added the machine (704f26d). Perhaps you need to update your quest book (using the button on the main BetterQuesting menu or the command /bq_admin default load).

Damien (and then by extension, we) chose to be a bit less hand-holdy in the endgame. We point the player towards some of the items they need to make to progress towards Vending so you know where to start, but otherwise the intention is that the player will figure it out on their own.


Closing as we have this how we want it and I think there was a user error involved in not seeing the SimSC quest.