


Neutronium ingots and nuggets in storage drawers visible through other blocks from all angles

Tijmender opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Note: if you need general tech support for things like server configuration, Discord is a better venue. Please open an issue only if there is a clear bug with the pack or if you have been asked to by one of the Discord staff.

Pack Version:
Omnifactory (dev branch 9d464a9)

When placed into a compacting drawer or normal storage drawer both neutronium ingots and neutronium nuggets are visible from all angles, both through the back of the drawer itself as well as through other blocks in the line of sight.

Expected Behavior:
Neutronium ingots and nuggets should only be visible from the front of the drawer and when the line of sight is not obstructed

Steps To Reproduce:
Place a storage drawer or compacting drawer, insert either a block, ingot or nugget of neutronium (Avaritia).

Crash Log:
No crash

2022-01-07_19 52 37
2022-01-07_19 52 44
2022-01-07_19 52 54
2022-01-07_19 52 59
2022-01-07_19 53 08


I have reported this issue to Avaritia before, and they have closed it as something they would not fix, as they moved on from 1.12.2.

Since it is only a display issue, it is relatively minor. One thing I did not try though, does it still display if you use a key of concealment on the drawer holding the neutronium to prevent the drawer from displaying its contents


Thanks for responding so quickly. A concealment key removes the bugged behaviour (with the downside of not displaying the contents of the drawer). Since it is indeed only a minor display issue I'll close the ticket