


Hydrogen Sulfide quest has the wrong text

nanderson11 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


The quest text for Hydrogen Sulfide in the Mid Game chapter is wrong. It says that "A simple chemical reaction with Water reprocesses it into the useful Sulfuric Acid", but the recipe is actually with Oxygen, not Water.


Please remember to use the submission form so we have all of the relevant details.

Which version are you playing on? If you updated from a previous version, did you remember to click the quest book update icon, or if there was not one for some reason, call /bq_admin default load?


Sorry, I just saw the Bug Report issue type, which said "Crashes or unintended behaviors" and I didn't think it fit in that.

I'm on the dev branch, commit 2dd8f8a. I did click the quest book update icon when I first updated. Looking at /overrides/config/betterquesting/DefaultQuests.json it looks like it's still wrong in the latest commit.


All right, thanks for the head's up. I'll take a look.


Interesting, looks like we missed this change when we updated the book. The recipe was changed during the first GTCE chemistry revamp.