



Slientmoonlight opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Version:Nomifactory (dev branch, 46e178f)
When I first opened the game,it worked well.However,when I opened it the second time,it crashed and Redstone Arsenal (redstonearsenal) was suspected.Here is the first crash report.
Then I banned the Redstone Arsenal and opened the game again.This time when I clicked the singleplayer button,it crashed again and Custom Main Menu (custommainmenu), GregTech Community Edition (gregtech) were suspected.Here is the second report.
I clicked the button again and it crashed but GregTech Community Edition (gregtech) disappeared.The third report.
I banned the two mods and I could entered the world selection screen.


Removing these mods is not a viable solution to getting the pack to run, and if you were to load a world without them it would delete things.

It seems like your install is broken to me. The errors suggest particular mods as pertinent but it's all missing classes. Seems more likely to be corrupted jars, a broken copy of Forge used by the instance, or maybe an esoteric bug with Bansoukou.

My suggestion would be to reinstall and copy your world over again from your previous working instance or last known good backup.


I would also suggest trying to relaunch the pack again at least one time after a crash and see if it works that time. I don't know if Nomifactory has this issue, but my private modpack (which includes a lot of the same mods) will sometimes have a random, inexplicable crash like this that magically goes away if it's relaunched. It's probably some sort of race condition in a mod that was never ironed out.


I will close this issue because I found that the problem was not caused by the pack but my Minecraft Launcher. I changed my launcher and it worked well. Thanks for your help.