


Draconic Evolution Generator not autocraftable in mechnical crafter

heggico opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Pack Version:
Dev Branch, bd6f299

I've been searching online for a solution or explanation for this, but I am unable to autocraft a draconic evolution generator using either the Extra utilites 2 mechanical crafter or the enderIO crafter. I use a setup with mechanical crafters to keep a stock of needed items, to limit on demand autocrafting.

The recipe works in regular crafting tables and with AE2 autocrafting, but adding it to a mechanical crafter doesn't start.

I've added the materials to the crafter, set redstone mode to always on and Grid power is at 445.15/1205.67

I then tried the EnderIO crafter as a workaround, but that seems to pull in either the furnace generator or machine block in both slots, while the recipe requires one of each.

I believe that this might be part of the problem. They might be trying to craft the item with 2 machine blocks, or 2 furnace generators, thus failing.

Is this a know issue? Or do I need to add some screenshots/logs?

Expected Behavior:
Autocraft the Generator with a mechanical crafter

Steps To Reproduce:
Setup autocrafting of a draconic generator with a mechanical crafter


Adding to this, seems the same is happening with other extra utilities generators itself. Tried the death generator and culinary generator. Both fail to craft in a mechanical crafter


Please use the bug report template when creating issues so we can have all of the context required to diagnose it.

I have added the template to the opening post.


Apologies, added the missing information


That's my current workaround. I was working to automate the ultimate generator, which requires these items.

I'm currently autocrafting what I can outside of AE2, but these are now crafted using crafting cards. Not ideal, but best I could find for now. Its especially wierd that the crafter works for most items, except recipes from its own mod (EU2 generators) and a few others.. Cursed might be a good description.


Hmm, confirmed that the Mechanical Crafter doesn't seem to want to craft it.

The EIO crafter is a weirder case. It will craft the item, but it appears to be refusing to accept the machine block and is substituting the generator as the ingredient.

Placing the machine block where it should go in the recipe seems to confuse the crafter and it starts behaving erratically.


Can confirm that I have the same behaviour in those cases. The draconic ingot in the output is especially wierd.


My advice for now would be to have AE2 autocraft these, taking care to ensure that substitutions are OFF for any patterns involving Extra Utilities 2 items. That mod is very cursed, to say the least.


To give you an idea how cursed XU2 is: its generators are all the same item, disambiguated just with NBT tags. If you have substitutions on, AE2 will happily mash them together randomly then get stuck wondering where all of the generators went.