


AE Interface-storage bus not autocrafting consistently

mnsnownutt opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Pack Version:

Using an AE interface and storage bus for keeping stuff in stock works, sometimes. Other times, it does not. I have used this in newer versions of AE, so maybe this is an issue with this older version? Screenshot showing some items are there, others are not. All have recipes and all can be crafted by using the crafting terminal, but they are not getting crafted in the interface with the storage bus attached. EDIT - I should point out that if I do kick off the crafting via the crafting terminal, the items then show up in the interface, as expected.

Shows what I am talking about. LV motors simply will not craft via this method. Other issues are the quantities do not match. I am trying to increase it, but sometimes the system simply will not kick off an autocraft and other times it does.

2022-04-25_15 58 21


Update - I discovered the LV one was a recipe issue when I tried to craft again using the terminal and fixed it and once I crafted 1 motor it worked. The MV motor and piston I do not understand as they should work but do not. I can successfully craft them from the terminal, but they do not autocraft, or maybe they are not doing it due to the fact that I increased the quantity and until I remove one nothing will trigger it. However, I requested another MV piston which used a motor and it did not trigger it to craft another motor.


I talked with Proto and it seems that this is a bug in v49ac which was fixed in v50b.

If you update your client (and server if you're on one) to that version it should resolve that particular problem. Here's a link to v50b on CurseForge.


Excellent, thanks for the quick reply!!