


Solidified argon being recognized as liquid/gaseous argon?

mnsnownutt opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Community edition

Trying to set up solidified argon using a machine cover and item level emitter. However, the level emitter will not turn on and the only thing I can think of is that it is somehow detecting the gaseous argon and registering that as the quantity. I have it set to emit a signal anytime the solid argon falls below 64, but I have 0 solid argon and it will not turn on.
2022-05-13_23 42 41


Nevermind, it was a connection issue.

EDIT - the connection issue was an ME conduit to an AE storage cell. For whatever reason, they occasionally disconnect when relogging. I have to make sure every storage sell has a fluix conduit attached instead of an ME conduit.