


Hostile mobs on peaceful mode

Pinos78 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


So im in the pack for like 3-4 hours, and 1st every time i switch dimensions my difficulty changes to medium and i constantly have to put it back to peaceful. And 2nd mobs started to spawn on peaceful difficulty set in my void dimension. Other non-peaceful mechanics like no hp/hunger regen also occur. I bet this is not intended. Typical game "restart" did nothing.


When creating a bug report in the future please be sure to use the report template as we need to know that information to diagnose the issue. Otherwise we have to ask for that same information again anyway.

Which version of the pack are you playing on?
Are you playing on single player or a server?


Sorry to reopen this issue, But I'm currently experiencing the same thing in my void world. My saturation bar is still affected when on peaceful, and mobs still spawn in spots with low light levels. The mobs aren't that big of a deal, but the saturation is really frustrating.

Heres a video of the saturation bug


Maybe related to MC-44471