


[Suggestion] Add mixer recipies for a alloys.

RyabDev opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Many of the alloys in the pack have both crafting and mixer recipes such as red steel and blue steel. However alloys such as HSS-G, HSS-E, HSS-S, lumium, signalum, and a few others have no mixer recipe even though they only require 4 items as input. Would also appreciate some method of doing so with enderium. But, it does require 5 items in the recipe so I'm unsure how that would work. Having mixer recipes would really streamline my setup of making alloys due to not having to add in random crafters.


I'm not opposed to this idea, though we'd have to make sure that there's no overlap with other recipes first. Enderium would not fit (as you mentioned) and there's also no room for a disambiguation circuit in the event of an overlap for the other recipes.