


infinite item glitch in (local) multi player

Jaymbo opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Pack Version:
dev Branch,f378b4f

Infinite item glitch in (local) multi player

Expected Behavior:
Crafting with multiple players on one crafting Table should either mirror all actions happening for all players or should be player specific.

Steps To Reproduce:
Having multiple players in a local lan interacting with the same crafting table, then one player relocating Items leads to the other player being able to craft infinite items without using any materials for it. Youre also able to get a full stack even if you only used (as moments before screenshot) 1 Item for example 1 Log leads to x*64 Planks.

WhatsApp Bild 2022-11-06 um 01 15 18(2)
WhatsApp Bild 2022-11-06 um 01 15 18


Duplicate of #429.

You could disable the mod RealBench (which unfortunately also gets rid of the nice features of said mod) if you find yourselves unable to resist exploiting the bug.

This exploit is well known and there's not a very satisfying resolution for it at current.