Prey: An Expansive RPG Nightmare Modpack

Prey: An Expansive RPG Nightmare Modpack


how to reset skills? or at least, where is the file that this is saved to for players, so i can delete?

EmoBubbleGum opened this issue ยท 5 comments


would be nice if there was a way to reset... as server host, if i could at least know which files to delete from player...


also apparently some stuff is stored in the playerdata too, this is incredibly annoying how hard it is to reset things. for anyone wondering, it is specifically the stuff in the kube folder you will see when editing the playerdata file with nbtexplorer


also maybe have the runestone selection go through ftb quests instead, they have been a little glitchy. one player didnt get all their runestones, only got one. would probably be more consistent if done through ftb quests selection


so i figured out deleting the player data out of the puffish.dat file (in world>data) , using nbt explorer, as well as deleting their ftb quests data, seems to work. should probably still make the selection a ftb quest reward for the rune, though. the inventory flooding and inconsistency is a bit much.

better yet would be respeccing within the skill menu, but I'm sure something like that will take time. hopefully you aren't getting swept up in the "gotta update everything for the new version" hub bub, yours is definitely a good pack, so far as i've seen, worth investing in.


huh now exp bars are missing on all my tabs, pretty sure i had them for a while, even after the fix I did. known issue?


weird, i closed and reopened the game and the exp bars are back