[CRASH] BOP-BWM Incompatibility
CallMeCar-Son opened this issue · 10 comments
My friend and I are on a server we're hosting together and everything was going accordingly until all of a sudden our server just closed. and will continue to close every time we log in. i have a crash log and a screenshot of our base due to it perhaps being the issue.
biomesoplenty.api.enums.BOPWoods ..... as it does not exist in ExtendedBlockState{block=betterwithmods:siding_wood, properties=[]
Some incompatibility between Better With Mods and BOP. BWM isn't being updated anymore, so it's unlikely it's fixable. Remove BWM and try joining. If it works, add it back in and try joining again.
Not much we can do about this, I doubt the BoP author would be able to fix this.
Why not close this and make a pinned issue about the incompatibilities between BoP and BWM?
Just because it's unfixable, doesn't mean it's an issue. You don't know for a fact if the mod dev won't fix it. The entire purpose of this issues page is to have a list of known issues and discuss them.