StaTech Industry

StaTech Industry


Cannot Open AE2 Wireless Terminal 1.0.5Hotfix

smcelrea opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Hi, after updating to the modpack version 1.0.5Hotfix to fix the compacting drawers crashing my private multiplayer server, I appear to be unable to open the wireless crafting terminal from AE2. All other players on the server also have this issue.

It appears to work fine in single player and multiplayer using the "open to LAN" functionality.


Please download the new server files I uploaded to curseforge. Alternatively, you can take the AE2WTLib jar file from your client mods folder and put it in your server mods folder.


Also if you were experiencing a crash with compacting drawers prior to the update, could you send me your server logs after the update? The extended drawers dev prevented the crash and had it instead post to the logs. Would be beneficial to share what's causing the issue with the dev.


Works great! Thanks.
Looking through the crash logs now, doesn't make any mention of the drawers causing the crash, only Lithium. However, disconnecting compacting drawers from item pipes pre-hotfix conveniently happened in line with the stopping of the crashing (which was happening every couple of hours). I leave the logs in your capable hands to figure out whatever is going on.




Thank you for sharing. The log showed a lot of logs with the new warning the extended drawer developer. I will share this with them in hopes of figuring out this issue.

[18:52:00] [Server thread/WARN]: Somehow inserted negative amount of items (-49098) into compacting drawer, aborting. Arguments: item=ItemVariantImpl{item=chromium_tiny_dust, tag=null} maxAmount=16. Status: compression=1 item=ItemVariantImpl{item=chromium_tiny_dust, tag=null} capacity=24576 amount=73674
[18:52:03] [Server thread/WARN]: Somehow inserted negative amount of items (-2048) into compacting drawer, aborting. Arguments: item=ItemVariantImpl{item=platinum_dust, tag=null} maxAmount=16. Status: compression=3 item=ItemVariantImpl{item=platinum_dust, tag=null} capacity=1024 amount=3072
[18:52:03] [Server thread/WARN]: Somehow inserted negative amount of items (-6144) into compacting drawer, aborting. Arguments: item=ItemVariantImpl{item=platinum_tiny_dust, tag=null} maxAmount=16. Status: compression=1 item=ItemVariantImpl{item=platinum_tiny_dust, tag=null} capacity=3072 amount=9216
[18:52:03] [Server thread/WARN]: Somehow inserted negative amount of items (-6144) into compacting drawer, aborting. Arguments: item=ItemVariantImpl{item=platinum_tiny_dust, tag=null} maxAmount=16. Status: compression=1 item=ItemVariantImpl{item=platinum_tiny_dust, tag=null} capacity=3072 amount=9216
[18:52:03] [Server thread/WARN]: Somehow inserted negative amount of items (-49098) into compacting drawer, aborting. Arguments: item=ItemVariantImpl{item=chromium_tiny_dust, tag=null} maxAmount=16. Status: compression=1 item=ItemVariantImpl{item=chromium_tiny_dust, tag=null} capacity=24576 amount=73674
[18:52:03] [Server thread/WARN]: Somehow inserted negative amount of items (-16366) into compacting drawer, aborting. Arguments: item=ItemVariantImpl{item=chromium_dust, tag=null} maxAmount=16. Status: compression=3 item=ItemVariantImpl{item=chromium_dust, tag=null} capacity=8192 amount=24558

As for your crash, it's a server watchdog crash, meaning a single tick took too long

[18:53:05] [Server Watchdog/ERROR]: A single server tick took 60.00 seconds (should be max 0.05)
[18:53:05] [Server Watchdog/ERROR]: Considering it to be crashed, server will forcibly shutdown.

as for if that's related to the drawer issue, can't really tell. I've had watchdog issues when loading chunks / running backups. Could you send a screenshot of the drawer you removed pipes from? Either that or a world download would be appreciated so I can forward it to the mod dev.


Sadly the setup we had on the server was has been long since removed, sorry about that. Same thing with world backups that had the setup in them.
However, I can tell you all the compacting drawers with an MI item pipe set to IN/OUT and having an MI machine auto outputting into them were throwing this error on the server.


Ahh I've never tried setting the pipes to IN/OUT i will try that and see if I can replicate it.