Forget-Me-Not Shaders

Forget-Me-Not Shaders


Rain renders incorrectly

AugFUZE opened this issue · 1 comments


version 1.19.2-Fabric 0.14.10
graphics card GTX1660
mods : only fabric API and canvas-fabric-mc119-1.0.2494
shader: Forget-Me-Not_v0.4.1
system: windows 10
2022-10-27_20 33 19
2022-10-27_20 33 31
When it rains, can only see the rain on the water.
2022-10-27_20 33 51
2022-10-27_20 33 56
Illuminated squares (like redstone torche,lantern) are not the same color when placed than when held in your hand.(Haven't done this part of the function yet?)


Colored lights are out of scope of Forget-me-not. Colored hand held lights, however, are very easy to support. That won't be fixed.

Also, rain doesn't happen in the Savanna biome. That is why you can only see them in the river, unless I'm misunderstanding something. Please clarify if I am.