Death Loot Pearl

Death Loot Pearl


All of your items will be preserved in a death loot pearl when you die.

Death Loot Pearl won't disapear.

Death Loot Pearl is unbreakable.

Death Loot Pearl show died player's name.

Death Loot Pearl glow and have particle effect make you easy to find it.

more easy to find it, download death position datapack in PMC to show coordinate and tp it.

Death Loot Pearl can only be pickup by player

you need to be very closed to death loot pearl (almost overlay it) to pick it up.

Above effect work until you pickup it, right-click to get back all of your items


Keep Experience

/function dlp:settings/keep_experience/true

make all you experience perserve when you died, this command equalvalent to

/gamerule keepInventory true

although keepInventory make your item preserve after death in vanilla, but this datapack copy your inventory into death loot pearl, and clear all your items after death.

You can download death event datapack in PMC to take some level when you died.

if /gamerule keepInventory false, death loot pearl will pickup all the loot nearby you into itself after you died, even if they are not dropped by you.

Owner Check

/function dlp:settings/owner_check/true

prevent players picking up the death loot pearl which isn't belong to them.

/function dlp:settings/owner_check/false

to disable this mechanism

Disable Particle

/function dlp:settings/show_particle/false