209,168 Mods
Xray Ultimate
56M Downloads1.21 Xray
Stay True
27M DownloadsStaying True to The Original Textures.
Fresh Animations
20M DownloadsDynamic animated entities to freshen your Minecraft experience.
Mandala's GUI - Dark mode
20M DownloadsAn elegant Interface, in the style of Mandala Creations.
Repurposed Structures - Farmer's Delight Compat Datapack
18M DownloadsAdd Farmer's Delight to Repurposed Structures Villages
Repurposed Structures - Friends and Foes Compat Datapack
15M DownloadsAdd Copper Golems and Beekeepers to RS Villages
The Pixelmon Mod OST
14M DownloadsThe Offical Pixelmon Mod OST by Chris Geddes
When Dungeons Arise - No Flying Structures
14M DownloadsDisables WDA flying structures on the overworld
Repurposed Structures - Better Dungeons Compat Datapack
13M DownloadsChange RS Dungeons to be in Better Dungeon's style
Repurposed Structures - Better Strongholds Compat Datapack
13M DownloadsChange RS Strongholds to be in Better Stronghold's style
When Dungeons Arise - Spacing Tweaks
12M DownloadsChanges spacing and separation of several WDA structures
Enhanced Boss Bars
12M DownloadsNew improved boss bars!
Lycanites Mobs 32X
12M Downloads32X Textures for Lycanites Mobs
12M DownloadsLeviosa
Repurposed Structures - Better Witch Huts Compat Datapack
12M DownloadsChange RS Witch Huts to be in Better Witch Hut's style
Dramatic Skys
11M DownloadsDramatic HD Skies
Eclectic Trove (Legendary Tooltips)
11M DownloadsAdds 10 various custom frames for use with Legendary Tooltips.
Embellished Stone (Advancement Plaques)
11M DownloadsFor use with the Advancement Plaques mod, gives them a look of embellished stone.
Repurposed Structures - VillagerPlus Compat Datapack
11M DownloadsAdds VillagersPlus’s houses and workstations to RS villages!
Tissou's Zombie Pack
10M DownloadsThis turns all undead to deadly horrifying walker-like creatures.