Faithful32 Modded

Faithful32 Modded


Buildcraft Folder Structure changed

anders0nmat opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Buildcraft folder structure changed, some textures don't load.


Been having a look at this my-self, it look's like around 80% of the folder structure of the BuildCraft mods (or mod if you grab the "all" version) have changed, with major restructures, additionally a lot of the older textures (that are currently shipped with the current F32 1.12.2 build) are now incorrect, either they have been removed, replaced or used for another block or item.

As well as many of the GUI's have been updated or had some changes.

I believe it would be an idea to pull the current supported version from F32 as it's at least a year old (outdated) now and will IMO just cause issues.

and then have one of the team work on updates to incorporate the new texture changes, I have already started on this myself for as we use BC in the mod-pack I'm developing however i am by no means any good when it comes to textures, at best I'm up-scaling (using nearest neighbor (hard edges) techniques) the new textures, and then updating the current ones where minor changes are needed.

Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Mod: BuildCraft [all] v7.99.24.3
Status: WIP
Repository URL:




It would be a good start if you move the existing icons to their new location and rename them if required. Upscaling is not good, it makes the false impression that the textures are done.

That's a very good point, Ill update the repository with the suggested change shortly.


Usually people clone this repository and add their changes there and send us pull requests.

You are free to do however you like, just please be sure to honor the license when you copy stuff from here. I would simply use the same license, it's very liberal anyways.


Thanks, I have copied the licence file over and updated the read me with links back here and to BuildCraft, as well as adding a licence notification at the bottom.


It would be a good start if you move the existing icons to their new location and rename them if required. Upscaling is not good, it makes the false impression that the textures are done.