Faithful32 Modded

Faithful32 Modded


Private talk with @Intipablo

anders0nmat opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hey, since there is no way (at least no way i found) to communicate directly i will ask here:
How did you do your fork stuff? In your last pull request is just one commit and not the mess with hundreds of commits. Did you created a new fork? Did you found out a (better) way to fork and work on the project without all the commits flying around in a pull request? How do you keep your Fork up to date?


I am not @Intipablo but maybe I have some tips. The possibilities that I know of are:

  • you can amend your last commit, this will basically expand your commit and not create a new one
  • you can squash several commits to one
  • you can have several commits and take them back with git reset and re-commit all as one

I usually do the amend variant and only push the commit when I am done with it. The drawback with amending is that you cannot throw away a commit that easily. The reset strategy is a bit tricky.


I actually created a new fork. Unfortunately I don't think amending commits is possible using GitHub Desktop (which I'm using), neither are the other two. I would like to start using Git but it seems too complicated.


Update, I've decided to move from Github Desktop to another Git Client. Most likely GitKraken, it looks nice and has the ability to amend commits.


Im just completely confused with GitHubs behavior. Commiting something, still Commits ahead, Commits behind, meanwhile i just see commits everywhere. Doing Changes on GitHub Desktop, Conflict in merging although i only changed the file. Out of nowhere i merge commits i merged like three times. Updating my fork to get new Content of other commits, boom, another Commit i have to squash that will never disappear. Its a nightmare to me. Im on the point of just leaving the project for a longer time. I really enjoy making textures but merging them into the upstream branch (something new i learned over the last two days, upstream = the original project) cracks me up. Since english isnt my first language i also dont understand enough by reading the GitHub help files.