Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Zapdos colision issues

jochuan opened this issue · 3 comments


What happens:

i was fighting with a zapdos then he disappeared and i found him inside the ground

What you expected to happen:

i don't think that zapdos can learn the move Dig :)
2016-07-13_19 05 02
2016-07-13_19 05 45

Steps to reproduce:

1.find a zapdos
2.fight with him

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • Pokecube Core:3.6.1
  • Pokecube Revival (if applicable):3.4.15
  • Pokecube Mobs (if applicable):2.2.1
  • Minecraft: 1.9.4
  • Forge:1967

This should be fixed as of the version I just released, but I will keep this issue open as there are probably more collision bugs lying around.


I am working on some more collision fixes, it seems the previous ones mainly worked for things that walk on the ground, things that float/fly were a bit buggy.


things have changed since this issue, will close this for now, and let new one be opened if it is still needed.