Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Losing pokemobs

jochuan opened this issue · 22 comments


Issue Description:

when you throw the pokeball with your pokemon there is a chance that it won't appear and you will lose it

What happens:

i was leveling up my oshawott by fighting with zubats then i throwed it in to a zubat that was flying but i missed it and the pokeball with my oshawott dissapeared i think that it entered in a unloaded chunk

What you expected to happen:

it should not disappear

Steps to reproduce:

1.hold the right button too long and throw the pokeball with your pokemon
2.and maybe the pokeball will get too far away in a unloaded chunk

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • Pokecube Core:3.6.2
  • Pokecube Revival (if applicable):3.5.0
  • Pokecube Mobs (if applicable):2.2.1
  • Minecraft: 1.9.4
  • Forge:1976

I forgot to mention this when I re-enabled it, but see if it works now? I think auto-recall should be fixed now.


until now i didn't had problems using it


I haven't got this replicated yet, once I do, I will see about fixing it.


Something strange happened, i won of a lass with my marshtomp and then i walked a little and then the message saying that the pokemon returned to my inventory appeared even without me pressing anything then i found one apple on the ground and one sapling and i picked it up but when i looked in the slot where the marshtomp was it were replaced by the apple then i looked in my inventory for him and strangely i found my lost oshawot but i didnt found my marshtomp and it isnt in the pc i am using a older version since the latest crashes for me


when i came back to the place and pressed R the marshtomp returned to my inventory something is probably making the pokemons to not return to the owner or something like that


hmm, do you have the auto-recall thingy enabled? that might be bugged in 1.9+, I will look into it.


Yes i have, after that what happened in my last comment my marshtomp dissapeared again from my inventory so i went to the place that i first lost it and it returned to my inventory but it wasnt possible to use it, so i opened my inventory and replaced the slot of him with normal pokeballs and after that he dissapeared again then i started walking in circles in the area and he returned again and after two tries i sent it out of the pokeball after that i was frightened of losing my pokemons so i sended them all to the pc


hmm, try disabling the auto-recall thing and see if it still happens?


until now it didn't happened again after disabling the auto-recall


when you gonna fix the auto-recall i lost a rhyhorn because it wasnt on, the same thing that happened with my chikorita


i think that i know why i lost it it is probably the cull thing that made it disappear it shouldn't work on owned pokemobs and maybe legendary pokemons


hmm, cull shouldn't affect owned pokemobs, I will check if it does. As for legendary ones, if It didn't affect them, then players could very easily get legendaries to show up by flying up and down a lot, and eventually the ground will be full of legendaires.

Edit: tested culling, it doesn't affect tame mobs for me


i dont know how to reproduce it either i was on a mine shaft with rhyhorn and some monsters were attacking me at least can you fix the auto-recall ?


I will try to get auto-recall fixed shortly, I will need to first find out what was going wrong with it.


I'm sorry if I've bumped this issue, but I think this issue still exists...
I have already lost 2 pokemon when I'm preparing to fight.
aim, hold the right mouse button, release, and vanish.

The jar is pokecube-aio-1.12.2-1.6.17.jar


I've done some experiments and I've got a conclusion.
When you are aiming a wild pokemon's hitbox with your crosshair and you throw your pokemon no matter the power, when it is too far, your pokemon will disappear.


how far is "too far"?


can you get some screenshots of this situation?


I also cannot replicate this one


After recording this video, I think I know what's happening.

I first tested at singleplayer, I cannot replicate, too. Therefore I decided to give my server a try, it worked.
When you aim at a wild pokemon and you throw your pokemon to it, your pokemon just travels really fast to the destination (wild pokemon) regardless of the distance. My sponge forge config must be cleaning the entities that travels too fast. I'll go and have a check.


Yeah, it was the removing-entity-which-moves-too-fast thing.
I'm sorry for all the trouble.
Maybe you can set a distance threshold? So that players' pokemon will not be thrown to a faraway pokemon at a somewhat unreasonable distance.

To future viewers:
you can just disable sponge movement checks so that the pokemon will no longer be removed because of its thrown speed.


I can see about add some threshold configs for this