Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Extreme lag

jochuan opened this issue · 6 comments


Issue Description:

i am getting a lot of lag in the latest version of pokecube

What happens:

My fps dropped to 2 in the latest version when i normally play with 15 fps

What you expected to happen

it shouldn't be so lag

Steps to reproduce:

1.use only one gb of ram to play minecraft

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • Pokecube Core:3.7.4
  • Pokecube Revival (if applicable):3.6.3
  • Pokecube Mobs (if applicable):2.2.2
  • Minecraft: 1.9.4
  • Forge:1990

hmm, I do all my testing with 1G of ram as well, I will look into it some more to see if something changed that would do that.


Maybe it is related to forge as well since i updated pokecube with forge together i will test too when i have time


i used the pokecube kill all command and my fps increased to 10 but it fluctuate from 10 and 0 when i walk and here is the /forge tps
2016-07-30_11 24 52


fixed that on my end i am so dumb sorry for any inconvenience that i may have caused


i updated pokecube to the latest version again and started a new world while the world was generating a got 7 fps but after that my fps dropped again to 0-3 fps and i already tested with the old forge version but i got the same results


hmm, what happens if you set it to peaceful then do /pokecube kill ? if that fixes it, then the fps is definitely pokemob related. Also, what is the result from typing /forge tps