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[Feature requests] PokéCube - Vanilla MC interaction

Robijnvogel opened this issue · 8 comments


Issue Description:

Imo, PC can not contain enough features that make it interact with vanilla MC.
Therefore it can always use more of those.

What happens:

People (I) get sad.

What you expected to happen:

Get some of these ideas implemented, maybe in a slightly different way than proposed, if necessary.


I first raised these ideas in March this year in this post on the MC forums.

List of ideas:

  1. Strong Fire attacks can evaporate water? Fire attacks are stronger in the Nether (where they should definitely be able to set things on fire).
  2. Actually, you can grief very well with just a flint 'n steel as well. If you don't want fire griefing, you can just turn Fire Ticks off.
  3. Do PokéMobs adhere to the MobGriefing Gamerule?
  4. Strong water attacks can make lava into obsidian in the nether. Strong fire attacks can turn obsidian back into lava. (100, 120 attack power?)
  5. I take it the "cut" attack can already "lumberaxe" a whole tree in one fell swoop?
  6. Same thing for Rock Smash
  7. Some Pokémon can auto-smelt the ores that you mine (Magmar maybe?),
  8. Some Pokémon can yield more than Fortune III on coal, redstone, lapis, emeralds and diamonds (Sableye)?
  9. Psychic pokemon can scare away mobs, and remotely detonate Creepers. (Can a Pokémobs insta-kill a packed group of mobs from a distance? Because striking a creeper with thunder (12) and then remote-detonating it surely could.) The Psychic attack would be cool for this, I guess.
  10. Maybe you can do something with poison attacks poisoning water, which then can be right-clicked with an empty bottle to get potions of weakness (if you do not want to include this poison fluid block in your mod, maybe you could make this a Biomes O' Plenty hook? I don't know if BoP has an API for this though.) (see (15) for a different implementation)
  11. How about some kind of silk-touch version of Rock Smash? Maybe only mobs with a certain ability, like keen eye or "gentle touch" should be able to Silk touch when using Dig, Rock Smash, or some other attack that can break blocks. You could also use a high level skill for this, that low-level Pokémobs can't have.
  12. Thunder attacks should charge creepers.
  13. Does False Swipe work on non-Pokémobs?
  14. Interaction of Pokémob attacks with item-entities as a crafting mechanic. Some fire attacks would smelt items, poison attacks, would turn water bottles into potions of weakness, a specific fire attack would turn gunpowder into blaze powder. (Minetweaker compatibility?) For performance's sake, don't check for item entity collision, but block collision. Then perform the skill on the items within 1,5 "meters" above the block. (If this is better performance wise.)
  15. SLAVERY! Use Pokéballs with fire Pokémobs as fuel source in a furnace (slowly depleting HP). Use Poison Pokémobs in brewing stands to make potions of weakness. Etc.
  16. Some form of Fortune IV, initially idea (8), would be awesome. Some very specific Pokémob, with some ability, a high-level move and item, probably.
  17. Some other attacks that can break or even destroy blocks would be cool. High-level fight attacks for instance. 3x3 is not necessary of course, but combining this with (11) or (16) would be useful even if it only breaks 1 block.
  18. Rock- and sandtomb and -slide could spawn actual falling sand blocks (or falling sand entities with a cobblestone texture that would change into cobblestone at "materialization"). It should only do so in respectively desert and beach biomes or extreme hills and mesa biomes.
  19. I think this is taking it a little too far, but maybe it should be impossible to use rock slide, sandstorm, waterfall, tsunami etc. If the elemental source for these attacks lacks in the vicinity.
  20. Some water attacks can create water source blocks (Fill modded tanks perhaps? Is this a Pneumaticcraft immersion as well?) [half-implemented]
  21. For laughs and because it is horrible: You should be able to turn fossil Pokémobs into Pneumaticcraft oil.
  22. When Applied Energistics for 1.8.9 releases, could you make Clefairy compatible with its meteors?

For more specifics on how you already answered these in the MC forum thread, see the MC forum thread. 👅

If a feature is already implemented, won't ever be implemented or if you have a better idea about it, I could edit this issue's OP if you want.


I will list of the ones here currently here:

3: They listen to their own config instead of mobGriefing, pokemobsDamageBlocks.

4,5,6: Already Implemented.

8: creepers should run away from psychic types like they do from cats.

10: Implemented, via pokemobs with ability hypercutter and above lvl 90.

11: Should be Already implemented.

19: Partially implemented, hydropump makes non-source blocks of water atm.


I think I edited the OP of this Issue appropriately now?


Oh creepers do currently explode when hit with psychic attacks

edit: seems false swipe does leave cows at 1hp as well, so I edited a strike through onto that one.


I made it so that Strong fire attacks if used on items, will try to cook them.


So some recent changes, which should be in next release:

Fire attacks can set fires on blocks they hit.
Water attacks can put out fires on blocks they hit.


Would cooked foods possibly land in fire as a result of a combination of the features in your last two messages? :)


probably will, I should probably do something about that.


hmm, maybe I can check if the block isflamible, and only put the fire on that.