Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


/nbtedit does not work in SMP

kayila opened this issue · 9 comments


Issue Description:

Typing /nbtedit while looking at an entity or tile entity should bring up a gui allowing for editing of the entity's data. Other forms include using /nbtedit me to bring up the editor for the player's data. Note this should only work for ops (unless a config flag is set)

What happens:

User types /nbtedit while looking at an entity and no dialog appears. The server does write in it's log that the user issued the command however. (NBTEditpqb.log)

What you expected to happen:

NBTEdit gui should open

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log into a SMP server with op permissions
  2. Spawn any entity (In this case I've tested a Pokecube trainer, Pokemob, and Pokecube merchant)
  3. Move within 2 blocks of the entity
  4. Type /nbtedit - No gui will appear
  5. Verify the NBTEditpqb.log file on the server registers the command

    Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • Pokecube Core: 2.3.1
  • Pokecube Revival (if applicable): 2.2.15
  • Pokecube Mobs (if applicable): 1.1.11
  • Minecraft: 1.8.9
  • Forge: (Both client and server)

Can you get me the server log from when you try this?



It works fine for me on my local server when connected via a local client.


All the log files I can think of:



Update.... I can use /nbtedit me without a problem... But it doesn't work when I'm looking at an entity/tile entity such as a pokemob


Hmm, that is very odd, from that log, it looks like something is wrong with some of the packets, but in that case, /nbtedit me shouldn't work either


It works fine for me in the development environment, as well as my local server, so I don't know how to test what is wrong.


Hmmm... Ok. I'll do some more poking and see if I can get my dev environment up. If I can than I'll try to get it to reproduce it.


I suggest just doing the core dev environment to start with, since nbtedit is in core.

The way I setup one is to download the forge mdk, then place the gradle directory, the gradlew.bat into the Pokecube Core directory, then I run the setuppokecubecore.bat


Fixed this, I just merged in the changes made in the other NBTEdit branch.