Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Type: Null and Silvally from Sun/Moon (Once you get the models that is)

KingEdward9830 opened this issue · 6 comments


Type: Null is not a true legendary Pokémon, as shown by the fact that it is not shiny-locked in Sun and Moon. (that and the evolution thing, but then again there are now some real legends with pre-evos so I don't think that's canon anymore) Plus it's an "artificial Pokémon" meaning it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to implement into the Splicing Device's list of recipes. However, I don't recall if there was a happiness mechanic in the mod or not, but if not there needs to be because Type: Null's lore revolves around it being unable to control its built-in RKS System until it finds a trainer it trusts completely. The mask on its head suppresses said system until it finds said trainer and evolves, otherwise Type: Null would go completely berserk. In other words, having Type: Null evolve into Silvally through any other method would be a total contradiction to its lore.


happiness has been in pokecube for years, it is how espeon and umbreon evolve for example.

Adding new splicing recipes is very easy, i can see about adding it when I get models.


Cool, but I just have one more request, since Silvally's forms are essentially just re-colored Silvally with different types and the items that change its form are technically "manufactured" as well, do you think once you have the models you could go the extra mile and make Silvally able to change forms like in the game? (It basically just works like Arceus's forms where if Silvally holds for example a Psychic Memory it would change to Psychic type and if you remove it then it would change back to Normal) The reason for this is that the ability that makes this possible for Silvally(RKS System, it is to Silvally what Multitype is for Arceus) is also a key point in Type: Null and Silvally's lore, in that this ability was integrated into Type: Null to aid it in its duty as an Ultra Beast killer, but Type: Null couldn't handle it so they gave up on the project without realizing that Type: Null could learn to control that power given a trustworthy trainer and time.


if arceus already does it, then it should be simple for it to do it as well, it probably will work entirely from the current system coded in.


the 1.11 builds have all the features of the 1.10.2 ones, not many known bugs.


Okay, let's just hope you get those models soon then. By the way, what, if any, major features are missing from the 1.11 builds I saw mentioned on MCF? And are there a lot of known bugs or no?


Ok then, looks like I'll be installing Forge 1.11 and picking up the latest 1.11 builds now. If I find any new bugs you don't know about I'll be back here to post about them.