Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Pokecube with Sponge 1.10.2

Snez0kRU opened this issue · 5 comments


Issue Description:

Pokemons Dupe

What happens:

When i click "q" button or just trying to send my pokecube to PC, it send 1 to it, and this pokecube still in my invenotory. After all i have 2 pokecubes == dupe.

What you expected to happen:

Didn't know, but will open Issues on sponge git too.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. You need to download all mods from my list, and done from "What happens"

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

Pokecube Core-4.31.0.jar
    Pokecube Mobs-2.10.0.jar
    Pokecube Revival-4.20.0.jar 

2017-07-24_18 33 14
2017-07-24_18 33 15
2017-07-24_18 33 19


Hmm seems like sponge might be interfering with the toss event somehow, are there any errors showing up in console?


Clear consol has been spoted. If there were errors I would have already thrown a log. Can you fix this ? I really do not want to go to a clean forge without sponge and i open such theme into sponge git, but it's still empty


I am not sure if I can fix it, it depends on what sponge is doing to cause the crash, I suspect it is messing with the toss event, but I am not sure how or why


When you will have time pls try to look deeper in this. Sponge team, didn't do anythink with it, just mark it with 1.10.2 tag SpongePowered/SpongeForge#1673


I posted what I think is occurring on that issue, hopefully the sponge team can respond to it.