Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Falling off pokemon when flying after relog, pokemon diasapears,also sit command makes them run away.

iruleubeech opened this issue · 2 comments


Issue Description:

Note: If this bug occurs in a modpack, please report this to the modpack author. Otherwise, delete this line and add your description here.

What happens:pokemon vanish if die while they are out. also the sit commands run off

(also if you wouldnt mind, how can i minimize server lag if im hosting a server. as in what settings can i change) thanks your the man

What you expected to happen:

pokemon return to your pc

Steps to reproduce:

1.riding pokemon

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • Pokecube Core:
  • Pokecube Revival (if applicable):
  • Pokecube Mobs (if applicable):
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:

can you please fill out the affected versions section of the report?

As for minimizing lag, it depends on the other mods you might have on the server, there are a bunch of configs for AI that you can do which will reduce what the pokemobs do, or decrease the active number of pokemobs in the area. Disabling explosions, and decreasing the explosion radius in thutcore.cfg to 31 or so will help considerably with lag spikes from explosion moves and meteors


relogging while riding is functioning perfectly fine for me:


so I need the full versions list of everything on your server to have any idea as to what is going on.