Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


AnimationEditor.jar do not want to launch.

CorentG opened this issue · 12 comments


Issue Description:

The AnimationEditor.jar (the application to edit moves) don't seem to launch.

What happens:

I'm doing exactly what i have done in the past (this : https://github.com/Thutmose/Pokecube/wiki/Animating-Moves ) except that it do not want to launch. I guess it is outdated.

What you expected to happen:

The application launch and i can simply edit the animations.

Steps to reproduce:

1.Place the AnimationEditor.jar at config/pokecube/database
2.click on it
3.It do not launch

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

(I think the AnimationEditor.jar need an update so i don't think it's the fault of core,mobs or revival, but i can be wrong)

  • Pokecube Core:6.31.1
  • Pokecube Revival (if applicable):6.13.17
  • Pokecube Mobs (if applicable):4.2.3
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:

By the way, i have found an error in your latest core,mobs,revival or whatever updated the animations, at the line 2112 there is a " and a : that are inverted, so a lot of move doesnt appear.

(Edit : nevermind, you fixed it, i havent saw the last pokecubemobs when i found this)


ya, I had noticed that error as well when the animations all stopped working :D


Can you tell me if the AnimationEditor need an update ? (Just to know if it's normal that it doesnt work)


Arf, i found out why it does not launched... java was somehow deleted from my computer... You can close th issue ._. (it work well after installing java)


Wait seriouslly? That happened to me too! ... any idea why your Java was deleted?


Probably when i tried to fix some "heartbeat lags" or something like that, i unistalled it and there is a chance that i forgot to re install it.


I will check it


it seems to be working as far as I can tell, I used the moves.json and animations.json from here:



Thutmose, there is also a small bug, when i select for example the particle "misc", the color will only result in the type's color. If i modify a normal move and i put light_blue as a color, it will not use it. This is not a bug with animationeditor.jar, it's probably the fault of whatever mod take care of the animations.


I will look into this and fix it, I bet I messed up somewhere when I fixed some of the animations not working


I found that some animation types were ignoring the specific colours, that will be fixed in the next release


closing this issue since it is no longer a problem.