Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


abra teleport issue and pokemons getting lost

jochuan opened this issue · 1 comments


What happens:

the abra should teleport away from you when you start a fight with him but it stays on the same place using teleport without doing anything and sometimes i lose my pokemons when they are following me and i get too far way from them one way to fix that would be that when they are far way from you they should teleport to you like the vanilla dogs

What you expected to happen:

the abra should teleport away from you and your pokemobs should get near you when they are too far way when in follow mode

Steps to reproduce:

1.find a abra and try to fight him
2.throw your pokemon in the ground and get too far way from him

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • Pokecube Core:2.3.41
  • Pokecube Revival (if applicable):2.2.16k
  • Pokecube Mobs (if applicable):1.1.23
  • Minecraft: 1.8.9
  • Forge:1902

i getting this bug in the latest version of pokecube with abra