Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Oran berries don't heal when using with hand

wilzorve opened this issue · 1 comments


Issue Description:

Berries Oran are broken.
2018-06-08_23 51 21 oran berry broke

What happens:

Oran berries are hold as held items; Berries don't heal your injured pokemob

What you expected to happen:

Oran berries must be consume and give + 10 HP to your injured pokemobs.

Steps to reproduce:

1.Take your injured pokemob out of his cube
2.Put oran berries in right hand
3.Right click your pokemobs with it (Spam click doesn't matter)

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

Pokecuke pack 3.21.0.zip (twitch launcher)


this bug has been fixed for a while, it only occurs because that modpack hasn't been updated since it was fixed.