Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


[Suggestion] Random dna bottles as loot

CorentG opened this issue · 2 comments


Hi, i was wondering if this was a good idea.

I think we should be able to find dna bottle as loot in different structure, like Dungeon, end city or strongholds for example.

Here's an example on what we can find :

-Size dna from 0.5 to 4 (4 because the huges pokemons are REALLY huge after that) .
-A random species + in some extremely rare case it's possible to find dna of legendary pokemons (or not).
-A random IV.
-A random move.

    • Basically everything we can change via dna machine.

It can also work like an enchanted book, with a lot of dna in it, like a bottle with Size 1.65 + IV attack 6 + species bidoof.

And maybe we can find those bottle in Dungeons, End cities, Mansion, strongholds and Nether fortress.

And each different structure will have it's own thing to find in, like we can find more extreme Size dna at End cities (still from 0.5 to 4, just more chance to get a huge or little number) or Stronghold can have more Species bottle than other strucuture etc...

Maybe it's already possible to do this via .json, but if it is, i'll like that it can be in the mod (if you are ok with that idea) and i can send you the json with all the different thing to get.

Thanks for reading.


this is possible via loot tables or jsons, however it will be somewhat complex entries to put in them, as what you need to do is define the entire NBT tag for the DNA you want, you can find this by extracting a sample from something, then using /pcedit on it (put it in chest, /pcedit the chest) to find what the nbt should look like. I can see about making some loot functions which will allow for easier defining of DNA loot in loot tables, I already made some loot functions for things like fossils:



Hi, if you make loot functions for loot table, will it be possible to make it almost totally random ? Like a Size 2 + IV defense 12 dna with a certain chance of dna loss ? Maybe you can code it, and i try to tweak it to be balanced. But, would you like such a feature (random dna bottle) to be in your mod ? Because if not, i see no point to do that for myself.