Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Aura Sphere misses when it is a 100% accuracy move

Verylism opened this issue · 0 comments


Issue Description: When a pokemon uses Aura Sphere on another pokemon that frequently moves around, it causes the attack to miss

What happens: The move Aura Sphere which is supposed to have 100% accuracy misses

What you expected to happen: Aura Sphere should always land

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Battle a pokemon that moves around a lot with Aura Sphere

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"): Replace with a list of all mods you have in, if using AIO, list that instead.

  • pokecube-aio-1.12.2-1.6.20
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge: