Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


[Bug] Pokemons target multiple wild pokemon at once

CorentG opened this issue · 2 comments


Issue Description:

When using an attack near a group of wild pokemon, the player's pokemon will target other wild pokemon aswell, even if they are not the same type or specie. And sometime even attack the wrong one.

What happens:

Pokemons target one pokemon then another one if close enough.

What you expected to happen:

The player's pokemon only attack the wild pokemon i choose to attack

Steps to reproduce:

1.find a group of pokemon
2.tell your pokemon to use a move on one of them
3.after the wild pokemon faint, the player's one will attack another one.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"): Replace with a list of all mods you have in, if using AIO, list that instead.

  • Pokecube Core:6.41.23
  • Pokecube Revival (if applicable):6.16.18
  • Pokecube Mobs (if applicable):4.13.1
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:

this could be a result of aoe move hitting, or the wild pokemobs calling for help, calls for help apply to anything that can breed with the mob being attacked. Can you confirm that it is neither of these? try using psychic (cannot aoe), and then check if anything additional that is attacked is breedable with what you hit.


I use non-aoe attacks when this happens, but it seem your right about the calling for help thing, wich i know existed but felt weird in the last version, but it's mostly due to 1: There are no way to tell if the other pokemon are targeting me like a "A wild ??? appeared" text (it feel like the other one attack me with no reason) and 2: My active pokemobs target ANOTHER pokemob than the one i was fighting, so if i attack magikarp A, and magikarp B come to help, my pokemob will sometimes target B instead of A, and it's even worse when there are more magikarp, so maybe the problem comes from the fact that there need a way to know if other pokemob are targeting me + my pokemobs need to attack the one i am targeting (it would be even better if i can target another pokemob while in battle with another one, like attacking magikarp A then using a move on B then going back to A for example, i think it worked at some point but dont anymore)