Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Stealing pokemon in trading table

schindlershadow opened this issue · 3 comments


Issue Description:

Modpack: Infinix test

What happens:

breaking a trading table that someone put a pokemon in will disconnect the player that put the item and but both the table and the pokemon drop. The player that broke the table can now take the pokemon. if that pokemon is sent to the pc it returns to the original owner's pc.

What you expected to happen:

table will break, pokemon is returned to players inventory.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. player one put pokemon for trade in trading table
  2. player two breaks table with pickaxe
  3. player two picks up pokecube with pokemon in it

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

Forge 1965
Pokecube core 3.24
Pokecube mobs 2.12
Pokecube revival 3.22
Minecraft: 1.9.4


doesn't the trading table take 5 minutes to break?

Edit: I will see if I can find out why it disconnects the player though.


Testing a fix for this, will uploaded update shortly if it works.


Fixed this crash, I made it send the pokemobs to the PC, as that was the simplest solution to implement.