Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


[1.9.4] Duplicating PokeCubes When Dropped

XileForce opened this issue · 14 comments


If you shift right click with a pokecube in hand to drop it on the ground, it drops 1 from your inventory but creates 2.

steps to reproduce:
hold a pokecube of any type. shift right click. it will fall onto the ground. now if you nudge it by walking into it you will see the one dropped pokecube separate into 2 pokecubes. You now got 2 pokecubes from 1.

Forge 1968
Pokecube core 3.26
Pokecube mobs 2.12
Pokecube revival 3.22


Should have this fixed shortly, I will upload it along with some possible fixes for some OC issues.


Have that issue fixed, will be in 3.2.9 whenever it is uploaded (testing an OC issue fix now)
Also fixed the issue where it gives the bad aim message even if it properly throws the cube (related to the dupe bug)


Okay cool! quick question. For AI threads what is your recommendation for a setting? as high as possible? for instance we have an 8 core server in which case would it be beneficial to set that to 8. sorry for the off topic but having trouble finding documentation on the config files.


that should probably just be kept at 1, I have optimized a bunch of stuff since I did that, and it should do fine now with just 1 thread, unless you plan to have lots and lots each in separate areas.

Generally it should be 1 thread per 500-600 active pokemobs, any pokemob that is "out of range" isn't active, "out of range" means more than the despawn distance from the player, the default settings result in about 20-30 active pokemobs per player, but that assumes each player is more than despawn distance apart

Edit: generally the bottleneck is currently in the parts that don't multi-thread well, so that limits it to around 1000 active pokemobs anyway, before lag starts to show up.


Thank you very much for the clarification. I've slightly reduced the spawn rate from default so I will definitely be fine with 1 then.


I might just end up scrapping the OC support for now, it seems that there are some major issues with trying to make components for it in 1.9.4, it has some issues with the asm stuff it does.

If my next few attempts at a workaround don't work, I will do that.


do you know of any mods that add OC support for 1.9.4? If I could see what they do, it might help.


Hmm well ik there's an add-on for open computers called open radios. http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/openradio perhaps that will help.


Hmm wont help, was a good idea to check it anyway, but unfortunatly it uses the hard-dependancy method, I am trying to use the soft method, so it would require a mod that can work without OC installed.


Ah. I can't think of any off the top of my head. But I'll keep looking.


Well, for now I will disable the OC support then, I will add it back whenever OC starts working. Testing the fixes for this and the joltik bug, will upload those shortly.


Ok sounds good. Also I just looked and it appears EnderIO conduits work with OC. Here's the quote on the page.

Compact conduits (RF, items, fluids, redstone, AE2, OC, Mek gas), highly configurable machines, farms, powered tools and armor, not to mention stuff and things!


Thanks, I will look into that. I have uploaded the versions with these fixes, I will close this issue, but it should still allow comments on it.


Hmm, I think that might just refer to the fact that OC supports anything that can transmit RF for a power source