Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Pokemon not attacking

schindlershadow opened this issue · 11 comments


Issue Description:

Modpack: Infinix test

What happens:

After one attack pokemon sometimes stop attacking, the other pokemon then proceed to repeatedly attack your pokemon until it dies.

What you expected to happen:

Pokemon keeps attacking

Steps to reproduce:

  1. tell a pokemon to attack
  2. sometimes after the first attack, pokemon will not attack again.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

Forge 1965
Pokecube core 3.2.9
Pokecube mobs 2.1.2
Pokecube revival 3.2.4


Has this happened since i made the AI changes to make them use a different cooldown system?


it still happens the others pokemons attack 7 times and my pokemon only attack one this happens mostly with magikarp and other slow pokemons


my pokemon wont attack either. i send out my litten it wont attack


Can you find a reliable way to replicate this? as in find some combination of pokemobs which results in this happening a lot?


hmm, i'm not sure if there is one but I'll give it a try. stuck in work atm so it will be a few hours before I can test. A workaround is to just recall and resummon the pokemon.


whenever you get time then, see if you can find a pattern to when it occurs, it would help quite a lot with trying to find the root cause of the issue.


Hmm, I will look into this, something might be interfering with the combat AI.


Sometimes this happens in the 1.8.9 version too


I think that it is related


It happens very often, sometimes it also happens to the wild pokemon at the same time so you will have two Pokemon just staring at each other. I still cannot find a way to replicate it other than just attacking a bunch of pokemon.


most of the related stuff has been re-written since this issue, remake if it occurs again.