Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


[1.9.4] Pokemon re-deploy at full hp if they die while inventory is full.

XileForce opened this issue · 6 comments


What you expect to happen:
The pokemon should return to your PC like the message indicates

What actually happens:
The pokemon immediately redeploys with full health.

Steps to reproduce:
throw a pokemon out. then fill inventory completely. have it get killed and it will respawn in the same location with full health again instantly.

Forge 1968
Pokecube core 3.2.9
Pokecube mobs 2.1.2
Pokecube revival 3.2.4


Hmm, does it also duplicate it? (ie does one also appear in PC)

This might also affect 1.8.9, I never tested this case in it. Will work on fix asap.


Yep, it does duplicate lol, It also works on just pressing recall. I will see why.


yea they duplicate just had him check


lol I swear these guys find every corner case possible.


I have a fix done, I will look into a couple extra recall cases, then upload it.


I Uploaded Pokecube Core 3.2.11, It should fix this issue.