Pokécube Resources

Pokécube Resources


Pokemon fly or fall when riding them

schindlershadow opened this issue · 4 comments


Issue Description:

Modpack: Infinix

Sometimes when riding a pokemon they keep rising or falling even when the respective keys are not being pressed.

PokeCube Core: 3.4.5
PokeCube Mobs: 2.1.4
PokeCube Revival: 3.4.5
ThutCore: 3.1.6
Forge: 1976


hmm, I will look into this, it is only supposed to toggle up/down when they key presses tell it to.


I did more testing.

Pokemon randomly move around, but if you mount them when they are about to move they continue to move in that direction without stopping while you're riding them. Not sure if this is the only condition, more testing is needed.

Also sometimes if you order a pokemon to attack something while riding it, it will start falling slowly and you can't really stop it.


ahh, it is probably something in their AI interfering then, I will look into that.


I think this should now have been fixed in 3.6.0/4.3.0, Re-open this issue if it occurs again.