TRANSPARENT GUI 16px incl coloured headlines

TRANSPARENT GUI 16px incl coloured headlines


The DIRECT download will only give you the WHITE GUI!

If you want any of the other 11 colours, you must use the direct links on the graphics below to a specific GUI colour and Minecraft version:

1.9/1.10: All 12 colours available! 1.11 version so far for WHITE | BLACK | TEAL | RED | BLUE | PURPLE | LIME.

[1.12 version for WHITE as soon as possible.]


☿ TRANSPARENT GUI resource pack texture pack module 12 colours 16px

Excellent for PvP + PvE but also  generally good-looking12 transparent GUI, all colours in 16 pixel resolution! Book in tablet look!

Youtube Playlist of my resource pack addons/modules

My Youtube channel

Planet Minecraft Transparent GUI 16px post with many screenshots

LICENSE CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (see "DO's" and "DON'Ts" below)

★★★ DO ★★★
Use this pack in a YouTube video, providing a link to my Youtube channel: so also others know where to get that pack.
Remix/transform/recreate/build upon it, IF you use it FOR YOURSELF ALONE and don't give it to others, neither via a website nor email etc.
If you use your version in a video, provide a link to my channel as original pack creator.

★★★ DON'T ★★★
► NonCommercial — You may NOT use the material for commercial purposes, aside from using it in also monetized Youtube videos.
The non-commercial refers to: You are NOT allowed to make this texturepack available via download and you are NOT allowed to put this resourcepack behind or any other commercial setup that gains you royalties of any kind.

In other words: Do NOT redistribute this Resource Pack, either in "Remix Packs" or as part of your own pack.
► NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, build upon or re-create the material, you may NOT distribute the modified or self-made material, even if it doesn't gain you any royalties.
That means you are NOT allowed to make this texturepack available via download, email, or other ways, and only you alone who made those modifications may use it.
If you use your version in a video, provide a link to my channel as original pack creator.

- I make exceptions for mapmakers' not-commissioned/not paid maps, that means if you make a map that will be available public for everyone, and you were not paid for it by anyone to create that map but built it on your own account, then I can make an exception for you to integrate my resource pack modules or part of it into your map resource pack, as long as you CONTACT ME before you do so and told me about your project, and how/where to credit me for the part of my module/modules which you'd integrate in your pack.

My direct (private) messages on are open for everyone, so just contact me there, or send me an email into my Youtube Inbox over
► No additional restrictions — You may NOT apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

OptiFine users: I will also create modules for your desired custom sky looks and much more };]

As always, take care, have fun gaming, and: Seeya!
☿ Meri ♥