xali's Enhanced Vanilla

xali's Enhanced Vanilla


Grass Block Overlays Not Working With Sodium

Rebel459 opened this issue · 4 comments


As per title, grass blocks do not overlay onto many other blocks, including sand and gravel, nor do those blocks overlay onto them.

The strange bit is, it's obviously unintentional, as this only happens while Sodium is installed (tested on all 1.20 Sodium versions)

Fabric 1.20.1 Sodium + Xali's v11.1 and 10.5 were both tested


(continuity for connected textures)


@Toatrika it can’t be sodium’s fault - it works fine with other overlay packs such as the Vanilla Building Overlays one


i have a suspicion i know where this issue is since ive noticed some defined connections not appearing between i think it was basalt and some other blocks while looking at stuff regarding issue #21 . i found a fix there, but i never checked if it only happens with sodium , so i dont know if that issue is the same one as this. sadly, i wont be home where my desktop pc is until next week so i cant check.
the issue with what i noticed if i remember correctly was a missing line on layer which made it default to a non-working one.
im putting the fix to that in the pr im working on, but again, thats gonna be a bit away.
if someone else wants to figure this out in the meantime, the layer thing is where id start. check the optifine ctm documentation for info on that


This was likely related to Sodium 0.5 not working properly. It is working for previous version and from what I heard, it should also be fixed in an upcoming (Maybe already out) build