Adventure in the Middle-Earth

Adventure in the Middle-Earth

hub 2

hub 2

in this photo you can see the remaining signs of the hub (in this room you can also choose the difficulty, it is recommended to choose it based on the number of participants in the adventure and their skills)
hub 1

hub 1

clicked in the appropriate card you should find yourself in this hub where you can read the rules, the advice and choose your faction (elf, warrior or dwarf) this choice will influence your powers and your initial invetaries.
first spawn

first spawn

started the map you should find yourself in this spawn (inside the wall) this section is used to contain the signs for my various links and the one that allows you to start the map


The cover of this map depicts a fantasy-style tower, The roof of this tower is reminiscent of a red mushroom found in the custom forest that surrounds it
first level

first level

first level

first level