


Option to hide seed until returning to the lobby

NeunEinser opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Basically to prevent stream backseaters, or possible speedrun verification rules.


Method of hiding?

  1. Completely hide (turn off) seed component

  2. Hide just seed number - put some placeholder in it's place: #### / โ–’โ–’โ–’ / [hidden] / [secret] / etc.

Yeah, I also had both ideas in mind and I don't have any strong opinions either way. I was mostly considering hiding it or using question marks. Other symbols might work as well though. English words should be avoided at all cost though, since with how the spacing is done, there needs to be a known text length, so these would be not be possible to make translatable.

Method of hiding:

When using [1.], it just looks as if the seed-component was turned off, which may be confusing for some people.
That's why I personally prefer option [2.].


Yeah, it'd also just act like a spacer when hidden, which might be confusing as well when there's something above it


Method of hiding?

  1. Completely hide (turn off) seed component
  2. Hide just seed number - put some placeholder in it's place: #### / โ–’โ–’โ–’ / [hidden] / [secret] / etc.

Additionally, maybe make it display - before the 1st game (seed generation), so that the icon isn't so alone
Thats how it looks now: