Better Chests

Better Chests


[Better Chests] Save Fixes Break BC

Servinjesus1 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


With 1.6, I decided to try to start using Better Chests and may have run into a specific issue as a result.

Only in trying to play my old save do I get the following error (at end, save fixes shown)

[SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateBuildingsToData
[game] Applying save fix: ModularizeFarmhouse
[game] Applying save fix: ModularizePets
[game] Applying save fix: AddNpcRemovalFlags
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateFarmhands
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateLitterItemData
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateHoneyItems
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateMachineLastOutputRule
[game] Applying save fix: StandardizeBundleFields
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateAdventurerGoalFlags
[game] Applying save fix: SetCropSeedId
[game] Applying save fix: FixMineBoulderCollisions
[game] Applying save fix: MigratePetAndPetBowlIds
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateHousePaint
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateShedFloorWallIds
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateItemIds
[game] Applying save fix: RemoveMeatFromAnimalBundle
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateStatFields
[game] Applying save fix: RemoveMasteryRoomFoliage
[game] Applying save fix: AddTownTrees
[game] Applying save fix: MapAdjustments_1_6
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateWalletItems
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateResourceClumps
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateFishingRodAttachmentSlots
[game] Applying save fix: MoveSlimeHutches
[game] Applying save fix: AddLocationsVisited
[game] Applying save fix: MarkStarterGiftBoxes
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateMailEventsToTriggerActions
[game] Applying save fix: ShiftFarmHouseFurnitureForExpansion
[game] Applying save fix: MigratePreservesTo16
[game] Applying save fix: MigrateQuestDataTo16
[game] Applying save fix: SetBushesInPots
[game] Applying save fix: FixItemsNotMarkedAsInInventory
[game] Applying save fix: BetaFixesFor16
[game] An error occurred in the base update loop: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at StardewMods.BetterChests.Framework.Services.Factory.ContainerFactory.GetAllFromLocation(GameLocation location, Func`2 predicate)+MoveNext() in X:\Repos\stardew-mods\BetterChests\Framework\Services\Factory\ContainerFactory.cs:line 144
   at StardewMods.BetterChests.Framework.Services.Factory.ContainerFactory.GetAllFromLocations(ISet`1 foundContainers, Queue`1 containerQueue, Func`2 predicate)+MoveNext() in X:\Repos\stardew-mods\BetterChests\Framework\Services\Factory\ContainerFactory.cs:line 356
   at StardewMods.BetterChests.Framework.Services.Factory.ContainerFactory.GetAll(Func`2 predicate)+MoveNext() in X:\Repos\stardew-mods\BetterChests\Framework\Services\Factory\ContainerFactory.cs:line 52
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at StardewMods.BetterChests.Framework.Services.Features.CraftFromChest.GetMaterials() in X:\Repos\stardew-mods\BetterChests\Framework\Services\Features\CraftFromChest.cs:line 144
   at StardewValley.Menus.GameMenu..ctor_PatchedBy<furyx639.BetterChests>(GameMenu this, Boolean playOpeningSound)
   at StardewValley.Game1.<>c__DisplayClass947_0.<UpdateControlInput>b__0()
   at StardewValley.Game1.UpdateControlInput(GameTime time)
   at StardewValley.Game1._update(GameTime gameTime)
   at StardewValley.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.OnPlayerInstanceUpdating(SGame instance, GameTime gameTime, Action runUpdate)
[game] WARNING: Mismatched UI Mode Push/Pop counts. Correcting.

This happens on trying to open the pause/inventory menu. Using a new save this doesn't happen.

Note I didn't have Better Chests in previous versions, and since furyCore is hidden I can't try reverting and saving with old Better Chests on before attempting the update to 1.6, if you think that might have some effect. Otherwise something about save fixes seems to break Better Chests.