Daily Screenshot

Daily Screenshot


Screenshot Not Moved on Ubuntu 18.04.03 LTS

kins-dev opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Getting the following exception:
[Daily Screenshot] Error moving file '01-02-06.png' into Foo-Farm-Screenshots-237055866 folder. Technical details: System.IO.IOException: Sharing violation on path /home/foo/.local/share/StardewValley/Screenshots/01-02-06.png at System.IO.File.Move (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) <0x42ae8bf0 + 0x002d3> in <filename unknown>:0 at DailyScreenshot.ModEntry.MoveScreenshotToCorrectFolder (System.String screenshotName) <0x42ae8950 + 0x001f7> in <filename unknown>:0

It appears the game is holding a shared lock when the mod attempts to move the file. Possible workarounds:

  • Copy then delete
  • Check the file state before moving, wait if needed
  • Catch the exception and retry

This was with:

  • SDV 1.4.3
  • SMAPI 3.1.0
  • Daily Screenshot 1.1.0

Also had SDV Expanded installed if that makes a difference.


Resolved by #32, closing.